Posted on December 04, 2014 by K McDonald
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New CD,
New Music,
Vocal Solo
Posted on October 28, 2013 by K McDonald
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- We'll Bring the World His Truth
- Because I Have Been Given Much
- Called to Serve
- I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
- Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
- Help Me Teach with Inspiration
- Praise to the Man
- The Master's Hand
- Ye Elders of Israel
- As Sisters in Zion
- Fear Not (How Firm a Foundation)
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Listen to song clips or
download Bringing the World His Truth from iTunes by clicking here.
We live in an amazing time. Never before has the gospel reached more people and touched more lives. We are seeing before our eyes what Daniel prophesied would happen –that a stone cut out of a mountain without hands would fill the earth (see Daniel 2:44-45). For a dozen years I have taught in seminaries and institutes and never recall before this last year the brethren quoting D&C 88:73: "Behold, I will hasten my work in its time." I have heard, seen, and read this scripture dozens of times in the last year, and it seems that now is the time referred to by the Lord –especially in light of President Thomas S. Monson's historic announcement lowering the age at which young men and young women can begin missionary service.
I have prayerfully sought the Spirit in arranging these sacred hymns. They brought me strength as a missionary in Buenos Aires, Argentina fifteen years ago, and they continue to inspire me today. I pray that they will help all who listen "come unto Christ" and have the courage to invite and help others likewise "come unto Christ."
Special thanks to my great friend, Steven Sharp Nelson who co-wrote "Because I Have Been Given Much" and also performed the cello solo for "I Need Thee Every Hour." Thank you to Hal Romrell and the Salt Lake University Singers, Peter Steenblik and The Jordan High School Chamber Choir, as well as my beloved choir, the Taylorsville Institute Singers and Katie Bastian for her vocal solo on "Fear Not."
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New CD